Our Editorial Process

How we bring readers trustworthy and up-to-date information.

We know that crypto taxes can be complicated. Here at CoinLedger, we’ve put together a comprehensive Editorial Process to make sure that our readers get accurate, up-to-date, easy-to-digest information on crypto taxes on our blog.

Our Editorial Process is built on three pillars — trust, high review standards, and continual updates.

1. Trust

Unfortunately, online discussion about cryptocurrency taxes is rife with false and misleading information. If you have any questions, complaints, or claims, you may contact CoinLedger at [email protected].

Before we publish our articles, we go over the information with our in-house panel of tax experts. This includes Jordan Bass, Head of Tax Strategy at CoinLedger, as well as countless other tax professionals.

2. High review standards

Before publication, our articles are reviewed by multiple members of our team to ensure accuracy. In addition, we put in effort to make sure that all of our content is presented with a friendly, personable voice.

3. Continual updates

We update our content regularly to keep up with new questions from readers and the latest updates from tax agencies around the world. Our content team keeps up with guidance on cryptocurrency from agencies like the IRS, ATO, CRA, and many more!

The CoinLedger Editorial Process: Taking the Stress out of Tax Season

Our Editorial Process is designed to give readers like you the tools you need to navigate tax season and accurately report your crypto taxes.

We’re continually improving our content — so we’d love to hear your feedback! If you feel that an article is out of date or could be improved, feel free to reach out to us via the chat icon on the bottom right!